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Shana Tova-Peace and Truth to All, CILR-CAEF Bulletin - 26 Sept 2019


In conjunction with

We are starting the New Year with a Quiz, provided by Dry Bones, the Israeli cartoonist/activist, Yaakov (Bones) Kirschen who states:

If you know someone who actually believes that there was ever a country or state called Palestine, don't argue with them. Just slip 'em a copy of "The Dry Bones State of Palestine Quiz".

To all of our Readers and Supporters, Friends and Colleagues, Shana Tova 5780! “L'Shanah tova tikatevu v’tihatemu" "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!”



To Am Yisrael ****  Shana Tova!

May it be written, and sealed, that the coming years bring UNITY for our people, and peace and understanding with all the nations of the world!

ISRAELI ELECTIONS: A result only in Israel

Haaretz reported Wednesday September 25, 2019 that the election result in Israel now favoured a government coalition led by Likud so the President tasked Benyamin Netanyahu with forming the government. The subheading reads as follows:“…if Netanyahu fails, (it) could set the stage for a third election cycle within a year” and so it goes. Democracy in action.

Here are excerpts from the article: “Netanyahu said a unity government was the order of the day, emphasizing the threat posed by "the gumption and chutzpah of Iran."

“He also spoke of the Trump administration's so-called ‘deal of the century,’ saying Israel will need a strong unified government to set its eastern border in the face of American demands. "In the 71 years of Israel's existence, we have not had such an opportunity and it's doubtful that we will have one in the coming years," Netanyahu said, adding that he believed details of the plan would be revealed "only if we stand as a single, broad front."

According to final election results announced overnight Tuesday by Israel's Central Election Committee, Likud has won 32 Knesset seats, still one behind Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) which maintains 33 out of 120 seats.

President Rivlin
President Rivlin

However, the results don't change the number of recommendations each candidate for prime minister received, with Netanyahu at 55 and Gantz at 54.

More election results info here  and here

The Strategic Cost of Israel’s Political Instability

By Caroline Glick

The major failing of the Israeli media, and most Israeli politicians is their chronic inability to understand how outsiders – in the region and throughout the world – perceive Israel. They don’t consider, let along understand the ramifications of those perceptions on Israel’s national security. Consequently, they don’t understand that Israel’s prolonged political instability imperils our most critical strategic interests and squanders our greatest strategic opportunities. Read the full article here.

CILR Partnership with Im Tirtzu on Israel’s Legal Rights

Please watch for the soon to be launched news about Phase III of our educational program on Israel’s Legal Rights – to be implemented by CILR in partnership with Im Tirtzu

Some Thoughts to Share about Leftist Antisemitism

excerpts from Abu Yehuda, author and commentator, Victor Rosenthal.

Some Jews have replaced their religion with an extreme Leftist view of the world and adopted the "Progressive" ideology and identity as their primary affiliation. Progressives seem engaged in political protests, calling out these activities, such as objecting to border controls or security clearances as “Not in My Name,” claiming certain policies are antithetical to being Jewish, that being Jewish requires tikkun olam, “repairing the world.”

There is a coherent distinction between personal rights to protest and invoking a universal Jewish identity that is not based on classical and historic Judaism, and in many ways is antithetical to many of its tenets. None of us today can speak on behalf of all Jews or Judaism because there is a multitude of voices within the very broad Jewish tent.

Among Leftists there is a tendency to speak to issues of Israeli security, including defending against Hamas-invoked terrorism as though they are a quasi-official body, even when not living in Israel. Claims that certain policies or practices are akin to those of Nazi Germany is totally irrational.

Calling for Israel to withdraw from Judea/Samaria or to remove the partial blockade of Gaza is endangering the lives of all Israelis; and likely Jews around the world as such action would embolden more terrorism. It bothers Progressives when the government of Israel acts as if in the name of the Jewish people. But they seem to have no problem with themselves speaking in the names of others. So, our thoughts are: If you don’t want outside foreign interference in local or national affairs at home, then don’t expect to be welcome when interfering in Israel’s right to self-governance.

Arab List -- the Antithesis of Zionist Support

This article by Batya Jerenberg explains the huge dilemma that Israel faces and any Israeli government trying to support, expand, develop Zionism in the 21st century. We have many new Zionist ideas, but I doubt one of them is to give Opposition to Zionism a strong voice in the Knesset. AntiZionism has brought four Arab dominated parties together, known as the Arab List. AntiZionism IS Antisemitism, so what does one do with citizens who stand for the destruction of the State?

CILR a big Part of Israel Celebration

The following letter and photos were shared with us by Margie Smith who was in attendance on September 8th for the second annual Niagara 4 Israel commemoration of the Holocaust against the Jewish people and Celebration of the Nation State of the Jewish People. Hear more tonight. Scroll down to see some wonderful photos.

Niagara Region celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Canada-Israel diplomatic relations and commemorated the 80th Anniversary of the Holocaust beginning. Christians, Jews, First Nations, City and Government officials stood together for Israel, publicly honouring child Holocaust survivor Ms. Goldi Steiner & Israel's Consul General to Canada Gali Baram.
6 minutes of  fireworks above Niagara Falls honoured the lives of 6 million Jews lost in the Holocaust and celebrated the lives of 6 million Jews living currently in Israel, thanking Adonai for His faithfulness, that he preserved and restored the nation of Israel AGAINST ALL ODDS, as He has promised. We have connected the heart of our nation to the heart of God's Chosen Jewish nation & the heart of our land to the heart of God's Holy Land by illuminating Niagara Falls blue and white in honor of Israeli flag.
HISTORY was written in Niagara Falls on September 8th, as we gathered marking 2 HISTORIC Anniversaries, the second time in a row, with Niagara blessing Israel in 2018 as well. We are blessed and humbled to be able to participate in shifting the gears of our nation's course, turning our heads towards the God of Israel and acknowledging Jerusalem as His eternal Jewish capital, according to Bible.
If you missed those 2 gatherings, you missed a once in a lifetime opportunity, so make sure you don't miss our NEXT Niagara to Israel with Love Fresh 20/20 Vision 
Shalom & love from Niagara,
Tanya and Jaro Hajek

Ms. Goldi Steiner, a child Holocaust survivor, Founder & Chair of Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights shared her life story, not a single dry eye was left @our Niagara to Israel with Love 2019 Event

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