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Netanyahu celebrates his re-election

We congratulate Bibi’s victory to his fifth term as Prime Minister. Wishing him ‘hatzlacha’ on the bumpy road aheads.

These are his words on the night of his re-election: “It will be a right-wing government, but I intend to be the prime minister of all the citizens of Israel – right and left, Jews and non-Jews alike.  All the citizens of Israel”.  He also vowed to annex the Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria, and kill the two state solution.  Read more


March was an eventful month with another historic breakthrough in the Israeli-US relationship initiated by President Trump’s Churchillian brave act of signing an executive order recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.  Not since the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel has such euphoria been experienced by Israelis. Read more


US State Dept. No Longer Calling Golan, Gaza, West Bank 'Occupied Territory'.  Read here


No Israeli child or adult should ever have to go through the trauma that this young girl experienced to save her own life during the last red alert.



Please bring to final conclusion the job you so valiantly started.

From Canadians for Israel's Legal RightsRead here


CILR March Activities

A parlour meeting was graciously hosted by Alberto and Lorraine Cohen, arranged by Marc Cohen, and attended by 35 guests who paid tribute to their late friend, relative, mentor, Salomon Benzimra. Here are a few words shared by Dr. David Nussbaum: Salomon was a rationalist who mastered logic and mathematics and had a deep respect for facts, reality and the notion of truth.  Salomon had a great love for the Jewish people and devoted the last years of his life to providing to the Jewish people, and the non-Jewish world, an appreciation for the historical and legal rights to the Land of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Ocean.

The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel is now available at both locations of  Israel's bookshop: 1172 Eglinton Ave W in Toronto (416-256-1010) and 441 Clark Ave W in Thornhill (905-881-1010).


L-R: Floralove Katz, Shirley Anne Haber, Irving Weisdorf

On March 17th Canadians for the Rule of Law (CFTRL) held its first day long Teach-In for which CILR was among the sponsors.  Irving Weisdorf, Co-Chair participated on a panel, Taking Action Against BDS. The Teach-In featured several outstanding experts, with experience in the US, Canada and Israel, in challenging terrorism.  Read here


Hillel Neuer -- UN Watch and Goldi Steiner

Hillel Neuer was presented with the book: The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, dedicated by Goldi Steiner, with the following words: “With great admiration for your valiant stand at the UN — in defence of the rights of Israel, and the Jewish People”.  Hillel Neuer — We salute you. (Signed by GS for CILR)


News from Our Israeli Partner

Im Tirtzu Hosts Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk in Jerusalem Please continue to share.

Charlie Kirk is founder and Executive Director of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to educating and empowering young people.  Kirk who is only 24, has millions of followers and warns that “college campuses are one of the biggest threats to the entire world”. You can watch the full talk here.


Israel Truth Week, CILR, and Hasbara Fellowships Working Together

During the last  week of March, Mark Vandermaas, creator of Israel Truth Week (ITW) and disciple of Salomon Benzimra’s teachings, did a masterful job of educating Jewish students in several different Toronto schools about Israel's legal rights arising from the Mandate for Palestine.

Polonsky, a staunch Pro Israel educator and President of President of the Federation of Teachers in Hebrew Schools, has been accused of wrong doing for attending a lecture, together with her 14 students following their attendance at AIPAC, with Sebastian Gorka, a staunch advocate for Israel.  We stand with Aviva Polonsky, and look forward to righting this wrong.  See the story as reported at The Rebel.

Jeremy Urbach, Chat student, writes about his AIPAC experience. Read here


Students of AEPi, the Jewish fraternity at York University with Mark Vandermaas who also lectured at Ulpanat Orot High School and Yeshivat Ohr Chaim.


Israel and Palestine: A Look at the Words that Turned History Upside Down.

This video produced by Hasbara Fellowships features former Toronto teacher, now living in Israel, Yehudit Weisberg, whose well researched presentations on the history of the Mandate for Palestine and Israel, have contributed greatly to the discourse on truth—There is no “occupied territory,” there is no “Palestinian nation,” and there is an inversion in the common use of terms that does a disservice to Israel and the Jewish people. Share this video



Dr. Mordechai Kedar, professor at Bar-Ilan University and Research Associate at the Began-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, will be featured speaker at several events in Toronto. On May 22nd Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights (CILR) will co-sponsor a lunch & learn with Speakers Action Group, a program of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation, at which Dr. Kedar will present: The Palestinian Hoax and Other Lies.

For details or to buy tickets click here. On the evening of May 22nd, at 8:00pm Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights (CILR) and Jews for Judaism will co-host an event at Shaarei Tefillah at which Dr. Kedar will speak about the occupation lie and expulsion myths. He is also scheduled to speak on May 23rd in the evening at Beth Emeth Beit Yehuda Synagogue.


A DAY TO REMEMBER: April 25th, 2020

As April 25th, 2019 approaches, Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights (CILR) notes that in one year we will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the San Remo Conference at which representatives from the Allied powers and other nations created the mandate for Palestine and other mandates, ending the Ottoman Empire. There have been many momentous events in Jewish history, and the redrawing of the global map is certainly one of them, even if the borders remain politically contentious. San Remo, like the Balfour Declaration of 1917 began to proclaim the rebirth of a nation. Read about this forgotten milestone.


Significant Articles for CILR Readers

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, made a powerful speech at the AIPAC Conference, in which he outlines current & rising anti-Semitism in Europe. View here

Remembering the brutal murder of Miriam Monsonego by a Muslim terrorist in France in March 2012. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center,  asks why the murder of Jews is under reported, why the dramatic increase in anti-Semitic attacks, an increase of 74% in France, is largely ignored. Miriam is not forgotten.  Read more here

Elizabeth Pipko, a 23 year old part-time model and proud Jewish millennial has helped initiate a new organization called Jexodus to educate other Jewish millennials whom she points out are “tired of living the bondage of leftist politics.” From their March press release, Jexodus describes its ‘liberation from the Democratic Party movement’ as follows:

We are determined and we are unafraid to speak for ourselves. Read the news story here


Rabbis Demand Sarsour Apologize for 'Anti-Semitic Narrative,' reads the headline in Arutz Sheva, March 30th, 2019

'There has never been a country called Palestine,' says Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, responding to brouhaha over NY Councilman Yeger tweet. Read more about the anti-Semitic attacks by Muslim terror- supporting Jew-hater, Linda Sarsour, when confronted with the truth.


Alan Dershowitz, internationally recognized lawyer, academic and civil libertarian, has shared important message with the Jewish people: Jews Must Never Be Afraid to Use Their Well-Earned Power.  Read here


Why J Street’s ‘Birthwrong’ Trip Might Actually Be a Good Idea. Read more


Mort Klein’s testimony at house hearing, on Muslim Antisemitism. Read more

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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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