Learn to be an Unapologetic Zionist
CAEF has introduced a new theme for our Web Talks, Unapologetic Zionism, to help in countering antisemitism by bolstering our spirits and our strength, encouraging us to stand together for Jewish unity and against the Jew-haters, antisemites and antiZionists. It doesn’t much matter how they cloak it or what they call it, but to deny Israel’s right to exist, to attempt to obstruct the functioning independence of Israel, to label the Jewish state as genocidal or apartheid, to discriminate against Zionists but pretend that is not against Jews, is all ANTISEMITISM, the world’s oldest form of hatred.
As we learned from Karma Feinstein-Cohen and Lauren Isaacs on July 16th, the first step is to stand up and be proud Jews, and proud Zionists. Most Canadian Jews, 92% in a recent study, say that Israel is important to them. Israel like Torah is pretty fundamental to Judaism and today is fundamental to Jewish survival. In every generation, there have been threats to Jewish survival and only 75 years ago, we survived the greatest war of human destruction the world has ever witnessed. Today we face multiple challenges and again threats, both physical and existential. However, we know that with a strong Israel, our people are strong.
So, stand up for Israel which every single day stands up for You and Me and Every Jew!
Here are words of inspiration, from the Unapologetic Zionists.
Listen to more unapologetic Zionism from journalist and author Bari Weiss, who stood up, walked out and called out the New York Times for its discriminatory leftist, antisemitic, intolerant cancel culture ethos. Her words will inspire. These words were spoken on January 5, 2020 at the “No Hate, No Fear Rally” in New York, the full text, as reported in the Jewish Insider is here.
Watch the video here
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More Letters, More Signatories
Do not be fooled by those in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities that oppose Israel’s legal rights to extend sovereignty over land that is Israeli, land that is currently governed under Israeli military law; Area C which is expected to always be Israel as under the Oslo Accords it was agreed to by the Palestinian Authority. Those who oppose this are generally ill-informed, BDS supporters, Islamists and/or ignorant of both history and international law. Some people have the mistaken perception that the two-state solution is hindered by the American “Peace for Prosperity Plan”. Do they know better than Israelis what the issues are and what daily life under real and existential threat feels like? It might be said that the opponents to this peace plan, a plan that aligns with others proffered over many decades, are opposed on the grounds that it was developed by the Trump administration, so at all costs, even if it serves Israel and the Arabs well, it must be opposed. Not logical, but consistent with a particular worldview.
It is also important to recognize that 75% of Israelis voted for the current government and thus operating in a democracy, the people have the right to support policies that serve their national interest.
Since posting a letter to the Prime Minister and Government, CAEF has continued to receive messages of support and requests people wishing to add their name to our letter, which asks the Government of Canada to cease telling Israel what to do in matters that have zero consequence to Canada, reflect the democratic and sovereign rights of Israel and protect ALL people in the region.
We are posting the full text of a letter sent to us by Dogan Akman, a retired former legal advisor in the Federal Department of Justice. Akman’s appeal to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is very fulsome, calling on Canada to cease voting against Israel at the UN, hold the Palestinian Authority accountable for its violence and demand they recognize Israel and cease memorializing terrorists, transfer refugee responsibilities from UNRWA to UNHRC and more.
Readers are encouraged to send your own letter to the Prime Minister: pm@pm.gov.ca
and the Minister of External Affairs: Francois-Philippe.Champagne@parl.gc.ca or your Member of Parliament, and to Canada’s new Ambassador to the United Nations, Bob Rae.