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The double standard applied to Israel must be put to a stop. It is imperative that we debunk the “Occupation” Lie with education. The power of this lie cannot be underestimated!

Antisemitism/AntiZionism is gaining force like wildfire, due in part to ignorance, as well as a great deal of propaganda.

It is aided by most members of the UN – even the US and Canada who openly, or not so openly, fund the PA “pay for slay” program.

In addition our country funds UNWRA’s educational program, which poisons young innocent minds with Jew-hatred: See here

We, CILR, continue our battle against the uninformed and the willingly uninformed, to bring to the world the truth about Israel’s legal rights. Our mission is education, the only way to change world view which is why we are working hard to create an educational package based on Solomon Benzimra’s book: The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel.

Our goal? None other than to debunk the lies told about Israel. The truth must be taught in schools all over the world. We must not let the lies hinder our right to live in peace in our homeland.




Alan Dershowitz- Harvard La Professor

Alan Dershowitz comes down hard on Harvard Crimson Publication, which he calls a “blood libel against the Jewish nation state”.

In his op-ed to the Crimson Editorial, Dershowitz refers to its support of the BDS movement, whose goal is the destruction of Israel, and its replacement by a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea”.



Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

70 Faculty members raised concerns about the effect of the BDS endorsement on the “well-being of Jewish and Zionist students at Harvard, some of whom have already reported that they have become alienated from the newspaper on account of the inhospitable culture that prevails there,” the petition stated.



PETITION: Our campaign calling on the government of Israel to declare April 25th, San Remo a national holiday called YOM SAN REMO is moving along by bounds and leaps.

We call on all our friends and associates, to join this endeavour --- a step to making history, to be enshrined in the archive of the government of Israel.

First step is the inauguration in Netanya of San Remo Square.

San Remo Square, in Netanya

ECI Calls Upon United Nations Member States To Dismiss Flawed UN Inquiry At Geneva Rally

Geneva Rally, May 10 2022

We are greatly strengthened by ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell, and many others, i.e. the Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Katharina Stasch, and the Israeli Permanent Representative, Meirav Eilon Shahar, and co-organizer European Coalition for Israel for standing up for Israel in capitals around Europe.

Quoting Sandell “Why is it only Israel which is being scrutinized by a special UN inquiry? According to the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, this type of ‘singling out’ and applying double standards, demanding of Israel something which you would not expect of any other UN member state… is simply antisemitism


QUOTES-AND NOTES-OF ARTICLES AUTHORED BY FRIENDS OF CILR Introducing our friend Robert L Meyer’s article: “25 Years After Oslo: The Elephant In The Room”

The article was first published by Jihad Watch, on April 14, 2019.

In Robert’s words: In respect of Islamic antisemitism, I wrote this article, to bring attention to the somewhat hidden role played by the Koran and Islam in forbidding the return or transfer to non-muslims of ANY LAND once conquered by Islam – which conquest in the case of the Land of Israel took place in the year 637 C.E.

To understand why in two separate negotiations with the Israelis at the beginning of this century both Palestinian leader, Yassir Arafat in 2,000 and Abu Mazen in 2008 failed to even make a counteroffer to the very generous territorial proposals made by the Israeli leaders, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmeert, respectively. Read here.

Israel's War For Independence Is Far From Over

By Jonathan Pollard

Israeli soldiers march during the rehearsals for the 74th anniversary Independence Day

“I’m tired of this. I’m tired of seeing our so-called leaders taking our flag, washing out the blue and only leaving the white of surrender.

I am privileged this year to celebrate our Independence Day as a free person in the Land of Israel. After enduring 35 years of prison and house arrest due to my actions as an Israeli agent, my love for this country and its wonderful citizens has only increased with each and every day that passes. More than anything else, though, I am deeply grateful to God for all our brave soldiers, who in their devotion to the survival of our country allow the miracle of our national rebirth to reoccur every day of the year.

But at the same time, alongside my joy and gratitude, I can’t forget, even for a moment, that the war for our independence is far from over.” Read more.

*Notes from Agnes Imani-CAO-CILR: What are we supposed to do when we are surrounded by nations that want us erased from the face of the earth, from the river to the sea? Why do we not have the right to defend ourselves like any other country on the planet would? We must demand that Israel’s leaders choose the safety of their citizens and the rights of the Jewish people over world approval.

Jonathan Pollard, having been imprisoned for 30 years writes the above inspirational article expressing his need for Israel to finally have a brave strong leader who can stand up for the Jewish people and not care what world leaders think about the actions our soldiers must take to defend what’s legally and God given OURS.

Democracy on a Suicide Path; Israeli-Arabs As New Homeowners in Israel BY MORDECHAI KEDAR, OP-ED


Unlike Israel’s close neighbours, Israel has always given Arab Israeli citizens the same rights as Jewish Israelis. They could have the same hopes and dreams because they were equal. In return for this freedom, we are seeing a new trend of young Israeli Arabs behaving wildly, violently and spitting in Israel’s face by waving their Palestinian flag which we know means “from the river to the sea”. They see the cracks in the structure of government and the wishy washy stance they take about the so called “ Occupied territories” in other words Judea and Samaria and the anti-zionist stance many Jewish NGO’s take . They see this as their chance to make a claim to what is ours.

“A young Arab who sees all of this draws the only possible conclusion that the State of Israel is a suicidal democracy, and all he has left to do is to help it commit suicide and push it to its demise.”

Let’s remember, the death of Zionism is the death of the Jewish people.

Israel is now a democracy on a suicide path.

How can we change this?

We believe that it is through education. We must teach the new generation of Israelis and Diaspora Jews just how important Zionism is for our survival. And this is just what we are doing! We at CILR, are working around the clock to educate about Israel’s Legal rights. This is the only way to keep future generations free in our land.

“The Nation of Israel must say in every way to everyone in the world, without shame and without apology, that the State of Israel is the state of the Jewish people, for which it was founded. That is the way it was recognized by the United Nations organization (UN) and by the nations of the world, and this is how she lives and this is how she will remain forever and ever." Read all.



Just a few days ago, on May 14th Israel celebrated the 74th Anniversary of the Declaration of her Independence. Recognized by US President Harry Truman in 1948.

President Truman's statement recognizing the State of Israel, May 14, 1948

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state.

The letter, dated May 14, 1948, typed with notes in Truman’s hand, states: “This government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the [provisional] government thereof. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new Jewish state [State of Israel].”

“I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.” —U.S. President Harry S. Truman


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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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