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August Bulletin - Campaign 2018-19 Closing Event and JNF Israel Experience


SPECIAL REPORT - August 15, 2019

On July 28, Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights in partnership with Im Tirtzu, celebrated the end of Phase 2 of our Campaign 2018/19, attended by a full house at the ZOA House in Tel Aviv. Keynote speaker Avi Dichter, former Shin Bet Security Agency Director, told the packed audience, "The Palestinian Authority is 100 percent to blame for the failure of the Oslo Accords."

L-R: Avi Dichter, Israeli Jounalist - Amit Segal, and Matan Peleg - CEO, Im Tirtzu


The conference was dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger who was murdered this past March in a terror attack near the town of Ariel north of Jerusalem. Goldi Steiner, founder and co-chair of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights said, "Learning about Israel’s rights is the key to combating false claims against Israel. There is only one way to counter the ever-growing accusations of apartheid, occupation, and all the lies propagated by anti-Israel organizations like IfNotNow and B’Tselem, and that is through education.” Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, noted that one cannot accurately evaluate the Arab-Israeli conflict without first understanding Israel’s legal rights. "When discussing the conflict, it is critical to first understand that the Jewish People have legal rights to the Land of Israel," said Peleg, adding, "This is precisely why we have teamed up with Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rightsto educate students and the broader public about Israel’s legal rights." The opening talk was given by popular Israeli journalist Amit Segal. He stated that Israel is divided into two camps: Israelis and Jews, with those who identify as Israelis tending to vote left and those as Jews voting right. In this election, Segal said there’s a fight over the Russian vote between Avigdor Liberman, leader of the Israel Beiteinu party, and Likud leader and Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The event was well covered by all Israeli State Media, see example here.

Im Tirtzu presented a token of appreciation to Goldi Steiner for the contribution and partnership with CILR

Watch presentation by Goldi Steiner; Goldi Commits to Debunking the Occupation Lie. Goldi speaks at 1:40:22 in this video. See here.



Jewish National Fund World Education Conference 2019 A lifetime experience: What has it taught us?

Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights Co-Chair Goldi Steiner and Mark Vandermaas, CILR official Lecturer, participated in the JNF International Education Conference, from July 18-21, 2019. Together they spread the word about Israel’s legal rights, the imperative to recognize the Mandate for Palestine of 1922 and every other legal act which granted the Jewish people all of Israel. The JNF mission included a wide ranging group of highly esteemed educators, which was a willing audience to learn about and become future ambassadors and leaders to further the work of the JNF. The mission was an eye opener, challenging the widely believed notion that JNF merely purchases and develops land, whereas the organization reaches far and wide, providing education programs for youth, building connections between Israeli and Diaspora communities, providing tools for educators to strengthen Zionist education in the classroom. On the humanities side, JNF provides a home for mentally challenged individuals, including special supports and training programs for residents to enable them to join the larger community by teaching them self-care skills. The bringing together of this great group of educators, promises great strides forward, as well as the forging of many close friendships between the participants. Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights looks forward to fostering a closer relationship with JNF around mutual goals.

Yifat Bear Miller, leader - JNF Mission with Goldi Steiner
Visiting US Embassy in Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan haEmet

On behalf of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights, we send our sincerest condolences to Ambassador David Friedman on the passing of his mother, Mrs. Adelaide Friedman. z'l. May Ambassador Friedman and his entire family be comforted among all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem. May they not know more sorrow.


Another Success of Our Partner Organization Im Tirtzu: Jerusalem's Magistrate Court Rejects Anti-IDF Activist's Petition

Over the past several weeks, Im Tirtzu's Video Commandos have been filming and exposing the activities of Guy Hirschfeld, a radical-left activist from the NGO Ta'ayush, who harasses IDF soldiers and residents of Judea & Samaria. Videos uploaded over the past two months have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. Watch Guy Hirschfeld's video here. Hirschfeld couldn't take it anymore and filed a restraining order against Im Tirtzu, but the court rejected it and ruled that such activities are a legitimate expression of democracy. Read more: JNS, Jewish Press, Israel National News, World Israel News


What Al Jazeera thinks of Im Tirtzu's Activities. Read here.


The Arabs Are the Original Occupiers

Rami Dabbas, an Arab activist writes about how much Arab countries would benefit from normalizing relations with Israel, and rightly summarizes the Truth in but a few words-- Arabs occupied Israel after an invasion in the 7th century, but the land has been returned to its rightful owners, the Jewish people. Read more here


Young American Founds The Exodus Movement, a New Zionist Organization

Earlier this year, Elizabeth Pipko who was tired of particular leftist views which have been border line or even blatantly antiZionist and antisemitic, founded a new organization which is actively attracting Jewish millennials away from the left. Pipko who is described as a patriot, poet, writer and professional model, stated that Jexodus is for people who are tired of “the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left. Originally named Jexodus, read about the Exodus Movement here.


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Ayelet Shaked re-names her political party as: YEMINA

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SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGNS is a project of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), established in 2009.  © 2024 Canadians For Israel's Legal Rights.

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