The Jewish People's Rights to the Land of Israel
This book by Salomon Benzimra is the result of an extensive research on the historical events and legal documents which enshrined Israel's Legal Rights in international law.
CILR's Campaign 2018 will see the distribution of thousands of copies of The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel, in Hebrew, among students at all major Israeli universities and channeled through other NGOs.
Simultaneously, we have published the English version in paperback and have posted it on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk. A Kindle version is also available on the US site or the Canadian site. Among our goals is to reach out to the local Israeli and general community, with sights on Jewish and non-Jewish schools.
It was reviewed and endorsed by experts in the field as well as top officials in the Israeli Government.
« Mr. Benzimra’s work is well structured and organized, easily understood and incisive. Most important of all, it presents an accurate and comprehensive picture of all the significant events that took place, decisions taken and agreements concluded leading up to the establishment of the independent Jewish State of Israel in May 1948. »
Attorney Howard Grief
Member of the Bar of Israel and of the Bar (ret) of the Province of Quebec
Author of The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law
November 25, 2010
« Whenever you next hear someone questioning Israel’s right to be an integral part of the comity of nations, reach for this book and quote them chapter and verse to prove them wrong. Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights has struck a telling blow for truth with this fine book, which I hope will be read widely, by Jews and non-Jews alike. »
Andrew Roberts
Founder Member: Friends of Israel Initiative
December 14, 2010
« At the historical occasion of the 90th anniversary of the signing of the San Remo resolution Mr. Salomon Benzimra gave an outstanding lecture about the legal rights of Israel. This new book will give all those who did not have the opportunity to listen to him in San Remo a chance to read and study his well-documented legal and historical arguments in order to better understand the solid foundation for the Jewish state in International Law. »
Tomas Sandell
Founding Director,
European Coalition for Israel
January 11, 2011
« The Jewish People's Rights to the Land of Israel comes to fill [a] knowledge void. Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights deserves to be commended for this welcome effort to educate the public about the Jewish People's indisputable rights in the State of Israel. This volume should be read and shared by all those who favor justice and peace in the Middle East. »
Moshe Yaalon
Vice-Premier and Minister of Strategic Affairs of Israel
April 15, 2011